Shooting was 2nd time in 6 weeks police called to house

Shooting was 2nd time in 6 weeks police called to house


The shooting of two sisters at a Des Moines home was not the first time a shooting case was reported involving the same address.


Police were called to 1108 17th Street after the shooting was reported about 3:45 a.m. Sunday.


Officers said it’s the second time in about six weeks shooting victims have turned up at that house.


One of the sisters shot talked to KCCI on Monday. Latoya Harrison was shot in the knee and her sister, Marissa Fletcher, was shot in the chest.


“Somebody yelled, ‘They are shooting.’ I went to run in the house, got hit in the knee and fell to the ground,” said Harrison. “I heard my sister say, ‘I’ve been hit, I’ve been hit.'”


Harrison said she and her sister were not the intended targets. Des Moines police seem to agree with that assessment.


“We are not even certain they were targeted. It may be the house more than anything. They may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time,” said Sgt. Jason Halifax, Des Moines police spokesman.


In late March, police were investigating a shooting scene at 15th Street when an SUV driven by Shawntee Young, Harrison’s brother-in-law, approached officers at the crime scene, accelerated toward them and police fired shots at the SUV.


The vehicle was found at 1108 17th Street. Young was found inside the home with a gunshot wound.


Police said it is hard to say of the two situations are related.


“We do believe he was trying to flee and get to that house to flee or be undetected so that does concern us,” said Halifax.


It also concerns neighbors like Archie Ballentine who tells us after more than 30 years in this neighborhood he now lives in fear.


“Bullets don’t have no name. It could hit one of our small kids, could have hit me, my wife, my neighbor. We are scared to death,” said Ballentine.


Sunday, KCCI spoke with neighbors who speculated that the shooting could be gang related. Des Moines police told us that is one of a number of scenarios they are actively investigating.


Harrison tells us her sister is still hospitalized, but is expected to make a complete recovery.