Knit on the Corner Exhibit found Destroyed

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GRAND JUNCTION, Colo.- Pieces of knitted art that were made for many of the statues in downtown Grand Junction have been stolen and vandalized.


During the Art and Music Festival this past weekend, 15 knitted pieces went missing with some of the pieces found destroyed inside of dumpsters.


Knit on the Corner is part of an annual tradition the owners of Tangle, a knitting company, put on during the two-day festival.


The owners were shocked to find their knitting art was destroyed.


They believe based upon the evidence, that it was a statement made by someone who dislikes their artwork.


“We would have been very open to discuss this. I mean, we don’t have to put all these hours in if it’s not wanted. Somebody could have talked to the city, could have come and talked to us and just said that they don’t like it, that they don’t want it and we could have found a solution,” said Co-owner of Tangle, Christina Caspari.


The owners of tangle have been knitting this Art for the statues for the past five years.


Currently, they are working with the Downtown Development Authority on if this tradition will continue.