Avoidance for the Anxious

We’re very good at being emotionally unwell, in the last several decades mental health issues have become more and more predominant and the worrying thing is that we do it to ourselves. That’s right, we get stressed and we let that nasty weed of self-doubt grow strong and healthy on our own lack of confidence. From this all sorts of social-anxieties and mental health conditions can sprout and it all ends in us being unhappy. Life’s a long walk towards happiness and it’s very easy to lose sight on this in the day to day humdrum of work and living. There are several factors which could well be effecting you level of well-being, these are:


Pessimism – Not one of us is born negative, all children are surprisingly resilient and positive things regardless of their circumstances. Pessimism is something which grows later in life, perhaps it’s an easier way of coping or maybe it’s the effect of the teenage years on us. Regardless of its cause, pessimism will send any anxiety you may have into a self perpetuating cycle. Your doubts will feed worse doubts and around and around it’ll go, sinking lower and lower into melancholy.


Lack of Action – It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, just keep active. Having nothing to do for long periods of time is enough to send anyone into an anxious state, with nothing better to do you obsess or think on things you otherwise wouldn’t.


Job First?  – Those of us who work just a bit too hard, put the job above everything else and ignore our own families/friends are digging our own emotional grave. If you let your relationships become strained or faded, then if/when something goes wrong you’ll have no one to help you through it. It’s important to give yourself time off, all things in moderation. The knowledge that you’ve got a strong support system will bestow more confidence to you too.


Sleep More! – A full nights sleep is important as it fuels your body for the day. If you don’t get enough sleep you’re going to struggle to concentrate and not be able to performs as well as you otherwise would, adding to anxiety.