It’s important that a strong sense of right and wrong is instilled from an early age. Morality is something which makes us into strong members of society. Kids who respected and even feared the wrath of their parents grow up responsible and later have a good relationship with their parents. Kids who were best friends with their parents grow up egotistical with no sense of respect for authority figures.
A parent’s job is getting their child ready for the, often cruel, world. Coddling them will just hurt them later on as they’ll be shocked that no-one else is as allowing and forgiving as their parents were. Making sure they understand actions have consequences and negativity leads to more of the same is as important as making sure they grow up with confidence and high self esteem.
A parent’s job was never going to be an easy one but it’s certainly rewarding when your hard work leads to a wonderful and well rounded human being with whom you can be friends.