Why are Fish Oils so Beneficial to Children?

Why are Fish Oils so Beneficial to Children?

Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids and are vital for good health, improving everything from our brain function to our skin’s appearance. They can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and can either be sourced from your diet or from a supplement. Fish oil vitamins can also be further fragmented into better constituents, such as DHA (Docosa Hexaeonic Acid) or EPA (Episa Pentaeonic Acid). Some studies have shown that omega-3 oils could help to diminish severe ADHD-type behaviour in children, as well as helping to improve reading levels and autism. This is because omega oils support the neurotransmitter, decreasing irritation which is caused by deteriorating ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. It can also do wonders for your digestion, brain cells and your joints. From supplements to your diet, omega oils are wonderful for your health. You can source omega oils from oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna, as well as from flax-seeds, walnuts, linseeds and pumpkin seeds. Your GP can advise you how to include more omega oils in your diet, as well as advising whether supplements could help you and your children to lead healthier lives. As with any supplement, you should check with your GP before taking them or giving them to your children in case they are not safe. However, as a rule, fish oil supplements don’t usually cause any undesirable side effects.


Autism is a developmental disorder which affects the brain, and has been studied intensely over the past few years as it affects many children. Children who have autism may find that the symptoms of the condition are improved by taking fish oil supplements, as they can improve the brain functions for better oral, memory and spelling expertise. There is also a developing theory that fish oils could be useful for children with ADHD, helping to advance the attentiveness and parent attachment. Children with ADD or ADHD often have low intensities of fatty acids, including EPA and DHA. A supplement could improve their learning ability and reduce social problems, such as disturbed sleep patterns and irritability outbursts. If your child is taking ADHD medication they can also take fish oil supplements, however this should only be done once you have consulted your GP first. Fish oil supplements shouldn’t be taken as an alternative to ADHD medication.

Studies show that children with learning disabilities could benefit greatly from omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers noted that these essential oils can enhance mechanical expertise, general learning, motor perceptual swiftness and reading practices. Providing children with a daily supplement could help them to develop at an improved rate. Mood disorders can be significantly improved by essential fatty acids, with many studies showing that supplements can help children suffering with mood issues and depression. In many ways, fish oils are considered as antidepressants – the rate of depression is low in many countries where fish is consumed in large quantities. This is because high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood helps serotonin, an antidepressant chemical in the body, to move more easily between the cells in the body. If your child has trouble concentrating at school, supplements could help them learn new things and retain the information. This is because omega oils have great effects on the function of the brain development , which is vital for children as they are in a prime developmental stage. Children who take fish oil supplements are found to be more dynamic and alert.

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