An Open Mind is a step on the Road to Fulfilment

An Open Mind is a step on the Road to Fulfilment

When it comes to holistic treatment of conditions it’s important to keep an open mind or the effect may be lost. The human mind is an immensely powerful thing and, oddly, to harness that power it takes conviction and thoughtless belief. In the modern age it’s hard not to be cynical and it can often be difficult to open our minds to the weird or spiritual when we’re so used to being blinded by science or statistics.

As far as it goes, there are three schools of thought. There are the cynics, the eager and the open. Two of these parties are pre-sets and the third you have to work at a bit.

The cynics are those who’ll roll their eyes at everything holistic. They tend to be unreligious and harshly sceptical of everything they can’t see or touch for themselves. There’s a lot to be said for this way of thinking but at the end of the day, where’s the fun in it?

The eager believe in holistic treatments to the point of mania, they’ll stop their prescribed medications or therapies for energy healing or crystal interventions. They don’t need evidence at all and they’re happy to believe what they’re told. Generally these people are religious or spiritual and tend to be a very happy and fulfilled bunch.

The open are the group which require effort. I consider myself a cynic who’s clawing his way to openness. They’re unwilling to deny anything simply because it seems unlikely and they accept that we don’t know everything or even most things and because of that, they’re willing to try things for themselves before passing judgement. I believe this group sees the world in the most interesting light and have the highest potential of gaining a great deal from their experiences, which is why I’m eagerly working towards entry.

Working out where you are in terms of these three groups is important if you want to understand your view of the world. It’s useful for introspection and understanding yourself and it can lead you to life changes which you never thought you’d make.
Going into things, all things, with an open mind will lead to great fulfilment. It doesn’t matter how crazy it may seem, you could learn something or gain something much more profound simply by opening up and taking it all in. Best of luck!