Licence and Registration Please – Therapists have to be authorised, this isn’t a job which people can just do. They should display any diplomas or qualifications along with licenses on the wall of their office but if you can’t see them or are unsure then feel free to ask. They’re there to make you feel better and the last thing you want is to be paying for a session in which you just sit there anxious!
Assistance Please – A therapist’s goal should be to assisting you with whatever issues you happen to raise. This should be accomplished through the use of goals which are laid out at the beginning of a session and completed by the end. If after a few sessions you don’t feel that any progress has been made at all then you need to either speak to your therapist about this or you need to consider getting a new one. It’s a lot of money to spend if you feel you’re getting nothing out of it.
Additional Info – Your therapist shouldn’t just help you during a session he or she should be preparing and equipping you for general day to day life as well. You should be given things to do in case of anxiety attacks or ways to handle situations which have been giving you issues in the past.