Balancing a Diet

A balanced diet gives us all the goodness we need. To stay fit and healthy, we need certain nutrients in the right proportion.  Lack of nutrients in our diet can cause deficiencies and therefore, health problems.


The table below shows some tips for a balanced diet:





Deficiency effect


Vitamin A

Antioxidant, essential for healthy skin and immune system; Protects against infections and cancers. Also essential for night vision.

Frequent cold and cough, dry flaky skin, poor night vision, mouth ulcers, dandruff, acne.

Beta carotene. raw carrot, boiled sweet potato, boiled spinach, raw tomatoes, raw red pepper, watercress

Vitamin B1- Thiamin

Energy production, digestion, brain function and protein use.  Strengthens heart muscle and prevents toxic build up.

Poor concentration & memory, constipation, tingling hands, prickly legs, tender muscles.

Peanuts, Sunflower seeds, baked potato, whole meal bread, grilled tomatoes, fried lean bacon, fried chicken liver

Vitamin B2- Riboflavin

Turns fats, sugar and protein into energy. It repairs skin and regulates acidity. Essential for hair, nails and eyes

Burning eyes, cataracts,  dull and oily hair, split nails, cracked lips, eczema, sore tongue

Boiled eggs, whole meal bread, camembert cheese, low fat yoghurt, smoked mackerel, Lambs liver

Vitamin B3-  Niacin

Energy production, brain function and good skin; balances blood sugar and adjusts cholesterol levels.

Fatigue, headache, anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, eczema

Canned tuna in oil, Lambs liver, Peanut butter, whole meal bread, roast chicken, Steamed salmon, roast lean beef

Vitamin B5- Pantothenic Acid

Energy production, fat metabolism, healthy brain, skin, hair, nerves and anti stress hormones.

Muscle cramps, poor concentration, apathy, fatigue, anxiety, teeth grinding

Peanuts, raw mushrooms, boiled eggs, avocado, walnuts, baked potato, whole meal bread, chocolate

Vitamin B6- Pyridoxin

Protein digestion, brain function, sex hormone production, menopause, PMS.

Water retention, tingling hands, depression, irritability, lack of energy, muscle cramps.

Peanuts, avocado, bananas, Lean beef, grilled herring, special K cereal

Vitamin B12- Cyanocobalamin

Carry blood oxygen, synthesis of DNA, use of protein

Fatigue, poor hair, weight loss, eczema

Dairy products, Canned sardines, Boiled eggs, Mushrooms, Herring, Tuna, Cod Lamb chops

Vitamin B – Folic Acid

Early development of brain, nerves and energy production

Spina bifida, poor memory, premature grey hair, anxiety, tension, depression.

Peanuts, boiled sprouts, boiled eggs, special K cereal, cornflakes, chicken liver

Vitamin B – Biotin

Synthesis of fats, healthy skin and hair, required in childhood.

Dry skin, poor hair, premature graying, poor appetite, eczema

Hazelnuts, boiled soya nuts, oatmeal, Boiled egg, grilled herring, All bran cereals

Vitamin C

Boosts the immune system and fights infection; Serves as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial. Needed to make collagen for healthy bones, skin, muscles, and joints. Helps to detoxify pollutants.

Frequent cold and infections, bleeding gums and nose, slow wound healing.

Oranges, raw peppers, strawberries, watercress, boiled sprouts with lemon juice, black currants

Vitamin D

Absorbs calcium for strong healthy bones and teeth.

Joint pain, stiffness, tooth decay, muscle weakness, rickets, hair loss.

Cod liver oil, grilled herring, boiled egg, canned salmon, smoked mackerel

Vitamin E

Acts as anti-oxidant protects cells from damage, including cancer. Helps the body use oxygen, preventing blood clots, thrombosis and improves skin.

Slow wound healing, varicose veins, loss of muscle tone, dry skin, and dull hair.

Sunflower seeds, Wheat germ oil, Safflower oil, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Avocado


Strengthens bones and teeth. Good for muscles and skin.

Muscle cramps, joint pain, arthritis, tooth decay.

Dairy products like milk, natural yoghurt, cheese, Sesame seeds, Tofu


Essential for thyroid gland which controls the body’s metabolism.

Hypothyroidism, fatigue, weight gain, brittle nails, low resistance to infection.

Natural yoghurt, peanuts, boiled egg, sardines, canned salmon, grilled fish fingers


Helps to transport oxygen to all cells for energy production and healthy blood.

Anemia, fatigue, low resistance to infections, loss of appetite.

Sesame seeds, dried figs, lambs liver, bran flakes cereal, whole meal bread, thin rice flakes


Good for bones and teeth. Regulates muscles, heart, and nervous system.

Muscle spasms, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, depression, convulsions.

Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, dried figs, hummus, raisins, all bran cereal


Acts as an anti-oxidant, protects against cancer, boosts the immune system, needed by thyroid gland

Premature ageing, high blood pressure, reduced fertility, cataracts, frequent infections.

Canned tuna, whole meal bread, Sunflower seeds, Shrimp, Grilled herring, boiled lentils


Growth, reproduction and immunity; good skin, insulin production, strong antibodies.

Poor sense of taste or smell, white marks on nails, acne, pale skin, low fertility.

Sunflower seeds, peanuts, oatmeal, parmesan cheese, roast turkey

To Stay fit and healthy and work efficiently, your body needs the above nutrients