Effect of Bodyweight Burn Program to lose weight

The Bodyweight Burn program is a complete diet and exercise system that works together to build lean muscle and burn fat. The plan is perfect for anyone looking for an effective way to lose weight that doesn’t require a lot of exercise time.

The workouts are quick and powerful. These consist of high intensity interval style training with very little rest periods.  If you want to lose weight and don’t have the time to make it to the gym, new home training and diet plan, called Bodyweight Burn, may be perfect for you.  This plan offers a chance to lose 21 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks’ time, all while doing just 21-minutes a day body-weight only workouts.

No gym equipment is necessary, but an exercise mat is highly recommended, as it will be more comfortable for doing some of the floor exercises on. Additionally, you will need to have an exercise or resistance band for the arm and back exercises. Basically, interval training consists of doing certain exercises at a very high intensity, followed by a period of rest or recovery. The intensity and rest time can vary, but generally there is a consistent pattern with each workout.

For example, one of the Bodyweight Burn workouts follows an 8:12 protocol or 8 seconds of maximum intensity followed by 12 seconds of rest. Therefore, even though the total workout time is only 21 minutes, you really push yourself a lot in that time.

There are also workouts dedicated to muscle building, called metabolic-muscle and less intensive ones for muscle recovery, called cardio flow.  Along with the three types of workouts, there are also strategically paired “diet days” that are meant for maximizing fat loss. There are 5 specific days: Low Carb, Moderate Carb, Good Carb, Back Load, and 24 Hour Fast.

For low and moderate carb days, you will have three meals a day and two small snacks. The portions are visually based, so there’s no need to count calories, but the meal size will probably be less than you are used to.

For good carb days, you are allowed to eat a little bit more, but are advised not to fill yourself and to stay away from refined carbs.

For Back load days you will consume your carbohydrates late in the day, after you have had your workout. Though there are no portion controls on these days, you are advised not to stuff yourself.

The 24 hour fast days will be the most difficult days to power through, especially if you have never fasted before. For these days, you may substitute them for low carb days.  You may be permitted intake of water and other non-caloric beverages.

The fast days may be challenging and take some getting used to, but if you can stay on course, there is no doubt that you can see great results.

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