Walking To Lose Weight? Then Don’t Forget These Rules

Walking is fantastic exercise for three main reasons. It’s our primary way of getting about so you’ll walk every day anyway, it doesn’t require any special training and it’s not going to cost you a bomb in equipment expenses. You’ll lose more weight than you’d expect if you take up walking and even doing a little bit of extra exercise a day will help boost your weight loss potential! Essentially, all exercise is good exercise.

If you’re interested in taking up walking then there are a couple of important things to remember and bits of kit you should make sure you have:

Pedometer – Your constant companion throughout the day. How are you going to know how far you’ve gone and then beat that record if you don’t have a way to record it? Invest in a better quality pedometer but don’t break the bank. Some of the more advanced versions work with your smart phone to help chart your progress!

Decent Shoes – Walking shoes ideally but trainers will do. You want comfortable footwear which isn’t going to rub against your feet and cause blisters or discomfort over longer periods of time.

Hydrate – While exercising there’s nothing more important than keeping hydrated. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times while walking and remember to keep swigging from it to help maintain your stamina!

Enjoy – Pick a route that you like and only do as much as you want to. If you enjoy the exercise then you’re more likely to keep doing it! It can be exhilarating to be out in the open air and experiencing the world, it can also be a fantastic way to relieve the tension of a long day.

Stretch – To make sure you don’t strain yourself make sure you stretch before and after any exercise. Hamstrings, calves and upper body should be stretched out before and after you do anything.


exerciseWalkingWeight Loss