Only 10%! That’s all that diet and exercise counts for. Surprising since most of the population is consistently chasing the next and newest food diet!
If a mainstream food diet were the answer to losing weight easily, then WHY is anyone overweight? Because the only thing you need to do is DO the diet, correct?
Since everyone already knows that it takes your lifestyle to get and keep a fit, healthy, sexy body, then what is the problem? Why is there an obesity epidemic?
Excuses such as “I travel for work” or “I don’t have time”, or “I’m lazy!” crop up. There are naturally slender people who travel for work, who run multiple businesses, and who have the same number of hours in the day that you do? How can they be so fit and slender, but you aren’t Doing It?
The answer is Your MINDSET. That’s it. Your mindset is 90% of your problem. Or, another way to look at it is that once you have a solid, empowered mindset then that will be 90% of your solution!
It’s only through a weight loss mindset that you will be able to achieve permanent success with your weight, which means that you will be able to live healthy and fit without struggle, without willpower, and without forcing yourself to diet and exercise.
Those with a healthy mindset have a healthy body. Eating healthy and exercising regularly is not a problem. It’s not a struggle. Therefore once you get a weight loss mindset then weight loss will be the easiest thing for you to do!
Weight Loss is not rocket science. You only need to DO it. But again, what makes the doing so easy is your mindset. Weight loss is no longer a problem once you have a weight loss mindset.