Why These Vitamins and Minerals Could Be ‘Youth Pills’

Why These Vitamins and Minerals Could Be ‘Youth Pills’

Nearly every process in our body needs some kind of vitamin or mineral to make it happen. Even when cells divide, are made or even destroyed – there is usually a familiar-sounding substance behind the event. Depending on the jobs of these vitamins and minerals, they’re sometimes referred to as ‘anti-oxidants’ because they have the important job of protecting our cells from free radicals, which make us age. But, where do we find these products and which are believed to be most popular for our wellness regimes.

B Vitamins

These nutrients help make lots of important processes in your body happen, and without enough of them you could suffer from wellbeing problems. Vitamin B6 aids protein and fat absorption in your body, while also helping to balance your nervous system and blood circulation. Proteins are necessary to build new collagen fibres that keep skin looking young and fresh, so remember to include milk, eggs, cheese and cabbage in your diet. Vitamin B12 is different but also necessary as it assists in regenerating your blood cells, so oxygen and nutrients can reach all parts of your body. Calcium is needed to absorb this vitamin, so eating dairy products with salmon, cereals, beef or ham can replenish supplies in your body.

Vitamin C

This vitamin doesn’t only help you fight common colds, it has a huge role in your wellbeing and is also an effective anti-ageing tool. Your body can’t make this – so you have to eat it in some form! Well known sources are citrus fruits, but leafy vegetables, potatoes, cauliflower and tomatoes all contain Vitamin C. It can protect cells from ageing free radicals and reduces wound infections and stomach issues.

Vitamin D

Some vitamins come from a range of sources, like Vitamin D which is boosted in your body by sunlight. It is another nutrient that helps your body to absorb other minerals. In this case, you need Vitamin D for good absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Bone mass can reduce as we age, so eating calcium and taking Vitamin D can help you feel stronger. Dietary sources include sardines, tuna, salmon and dairy products.

Vitamin E

This is a powerful anti-oxidant that is also found in lots of skin creams because of its anti-ageing effect on your cells. If you don’t eat enough you could suffer from skin and muscle complaints, as the nutrient helps move oxygen to your cells. Whole grains, broccoli, cereals and soybeans are rich sources of this nutrient, which you can also find in skin creams if you want to treat your skin from the outside.
