Is it possible to outsmart your own genes?

As we all know everyone’s genetic make-up is different. But it is actually possible to have an impact on our genes and make changes. How you live your life, the exercise you do and a balanced diet all have a direct link to how your genes operate – this process is known as Genetic Eating. There’s science behind this thinking – a high carbohydrate meal causes your insulin levels to spike and your blood sugar levels to drop dramatically. This makes you feel hungry, so you crave more carbohydrates and eat more than you would normally. However, a low glycemic diet will balance your blood sugar levels and help to keep the insulin levels in the body at a healthy range. It also has a positive impact on the good cholesterol as well as lowering the triglycerides levels in the blood.

Tip 1

Sleep is vital to give your body time to recharge and repair itself. Your organs work hard during the day, so it’s important to give them plenty of rest so that your body can function more effectively.

Tip 2

If you want to improve your genetic blueprint, it’s important to change your mindset – being constantly negative damages your biochemistry and leaves you open to health problems such as depression and anxiety. Research has proven that when you relax and are more positive, your brain waves are altered which helps your nerve impulses to lessen and your heart beat to slow down, as well as releasing happy hormones known as endorphins.

Tip 3

Spices are renowned for their restorative properties and can provide you with a wealth of health benefits as well, so your healthy diet doesn’t need to be filled with bland salads. Cinnamon is great for balancing your blood sugar levels and cayenne can aid high blood pressure and improve heart health, whilst ginger is known for reducing inflammation in the body. There are so many herbs and spices available that can provide you with a number of health benefits, so be sure to add them to your dishes when you cook at home.

Tip 4

If you’re suffering from specific ailments, it may be worthwhile to add extra nutrients to your diet. Tension headaches, for example, can often be relieved by eating more Vitamin C as it helps to de-constrict the blood vessels in the brain. In addition, Vitamin D is great for bone, immune and cardiovascular health.

Tip 5

Try to eat produce that is as fresh as possible, so that you get as many of the nutrients that are found in the ingredient as you can. By choosing organic, wholesome produce, you will see a big change in your vitality and energy levels.

Genetically speaking, there are numerous changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing, from giving yourself time to relax to eating more spices – you will see a great improvement in your energy and vitality.
