Some people, however, choose to use alternatives to the standard infant formulas, such as hypoallergenic or soy formulas. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as having a baby who is allergic to dairy, or they may have a baby who seems very colicky and they are hoping that a change in formula will be what is needed to help their wellbeing.
It is important to note, however, that all changes in formula (aside from within traditional brands) should be discussed with your child’s doctor, as there is no strong evidence that either soy or hypoallergenic formulas will help with colic.
For babies who are intolerant to lactose (a type of milk sugar), soya is a good alternative, as it is lactose free. Babies with a condition known as galactosemia – meaning they can’t tolerate types of protein – may also choose soya. Finally, vegetarians may choose soy as it is less likely to contain animal products. Doctors frequently state, however, that true lactose intolerance is extremely rare in children under twelve months and there are also concerns about Phytoestrogens in soy-based formulas.
There may also be similar types of adverse reactions to soy as those caused by standard formulas. In this case, hypoallergenic formulas, made with proteins broken down for easy digestion, may be suitable. These do, however, cost more than standard formula and may have a bad taste as well as added sugars to cover up the bad taste.
All decisions about your baby’s health should be discussed with your family doctor.