Drinking, Nightlife and Parties

Drinking, Nightlife and Parties

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June Conductor Crawl Start the night out at Café Red Downtown (across from 55 West), hop on SunRail to Prato in Winter Park, then back downtown to Harry Buffalo’s and Don Jefe’s. 6-10 p.m. Friday; Café Red Downtown, 54 W. Church St.; multiple prices; facebook.com/orlandoconductorcrawl


Bootsy … Eat Your Funk … Funkzilla! Retro funk night hosted by the funktastic DJ Nigel John and presented by the Modern Music Movement. 9 p.m. Saturday; Lil Indies, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free; mdrnmusicmvmnt.wordpress.com


The World’s Finest Football Party Airing World Cup matches and offering great food and drink specials through the week. 11 a.m.-2 a.m. Thursday-Wednesday; The Pub at Pointe Orlando, 9101 International Drive; free; 407-352-2305; experiencethepub.com/orlando


3rd Annual Firm Fest Enjoy a night of music, food and entertainment by the Dave Matthews Tribute Band that benefits the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association. 5 p.m. Saturday; Firestone Live, 578 N. Orange Ave.; $39-$200; firmfest.com


Rumfest More than 20 types of rum drinks, three hours of nonstop drinking and reggae-rock music from Passafire, I-Resolution and more. 5-8 p.m. Saturday; Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St.; $20; 407-849-0471; wallstplaza.net


Sunday Punk Brunch 2014 Food, record swaps, booze and games with performances by Flashlights, Teen Agers, Green Day cover band Dookie, Consequence, the Sinking State, the 4J’s, and Thomas McDonald and the Record Collection. 1:30-9 p.m. Sunday; The Peacock Room, 1321 N. Mills Ave.; $7 includes a free drink; 407-228-0048; thepeacockroom.com