How Eggs can Cause and Cure ADHD

ADHD is on the rise in the USA. It’s now said that around 10% of kids in the USA now suffer from ADHD, to put a number to that senseless statistic, that’s around 4 million children. ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder and can lead children to having difficulties in concentrating, hyperactivity and difficulty in controlling their moods for both themselves and their parents. The condition has no medical test to verify it and as such, doctors need to monitor a patients behaviour to determine whether they suffer from ADHD or not.

Kids are pretty hyper anyway, they’re little bundles of energy who’ll bounce off the walls if you give them access to a bag of sweets and some fizzy drinks. Children who suffer from ADHD will find their symptoms get much worse under the effects of sugar and other processed ingredients in food, they’ll be even harder to handle and they’ll be positively buzzing with energy.
Doctors recommend a regulated diet when dealing with ADHD, they suggest natural sources of energy like proteins and the total removal of processed sugars and foods where at all possible. One of the best food types for kids with ADHD are eggs as they’re almost pure protein and can provide a steady and solid source of energy without the bursts of hyperactivity which processed foods will provide.

There is an issue with eggs and it’s a fairly big one. A large proportion of kids who’ve been diagnosed with ADHD also have food sensitivity and one of the most common forms of this is sensitivity to dairy or to eggs. Food sensitivity can mimic the symptoms of ADHD so by feeding your kids eggs you might actually be causing their symptoms!
It’s important that you get your children an allergy test before you take any steps to deal with ADHD, talk to your Doctor to find out how!
