The most common method of treatment is merely a panacea for the symptoms of depression. Doctors readily prescribe anti-depressants (SSRIs) which enable people to feel a boosted level of serotonin, kick-starting them back into action. Unfortunately, the use of SSRIs can also lead to a lifetime of dependence, other side-effects and most importantly a neglect of the cause of depression. Their use is really only justifiable in extreme cases or as a short-term enabler, energising the sufferer enough to get up out of bed and back into life. For a long-term solution, you must look at your overall lifestyle, and approach complementary health supports in order to create your own wellbeing.
Of the complementary health methods known to provide relief from depression, yoga and meditation are highly rated. However, when you are deep in a black cloud, getting up and putting the energy into such practices can seem overwhelming. This is where massage comes in as a useful relief measure. If you are experiencing a major depressive episode, it may be the only thing you are capable of; simply lying down and receiving the power of touch.
Research indicates that the symptoms of depression are relieved by stimulating the skin, which causes an increase in the mood enhancing hormones dopamine and serotonin. It is reduces the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, among other stress instigators. Other physical advantages are found in stabilising blood sugar, improving lung function and boosting the immune system, all of which have potential application to sufferers of depression.
Though any massage is likely to alleviate the worst symptoms of depression, Relaxation, or Swedish massage should be your top choice. These kinds of massage make relaxation the main objective and maintain contact at all times. Because you carry stress in your body, areas of tension should be focussed on and worked out. Massage is a practice that can become an emergency relief instead of turning to pharmaceuticals. It also provides an excellent ongoing support to the wellness of chronic sufferers.