Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Weight Loss

Is your wellness not what it should be because you can’t stand the idea of weight loss? Sometimes the idea of a vigorous weight loss diet and exercise regimen can put you off even starting, so surely there’s a simpler way you can look after your wellbeing and lose weight but still feel like yourself. It’s all about taking small steps and making small changes.


Firstly, if you’re eating out with friends or family, why don’t you try splitting a meal together so you can save on calories? How many times have you left food on your plate in a restaurant anyway? Restaurant meals often give large, calorie-high portions so splitting one, especially dessert, can save you money as well as calories and you won’t even notice that you’ve missed out.


Another simple tip is to always take the stairs. If the building has more flights of stairs than you can comfortably climb, take the stairs as far as possible and switch to the lift for the rest of the way. Every week or so, add one more floor until you conquer your Everest, and you’ll improve your heart health as well as the muscles in your legs and buttocks.           You could also try parking further away from buildings to add a little walk to your day and save money and fuel that you would usually waste trying to find a parking space.


Whilst we’re talking about walking, try to get a little walk every week, even if it’s just round the block or your garden. The best choice would be a stroll through the park on a nice day or round a shopping centre when the weather is bad. For other exercise changes, try distracting yourself by watching TV whilst exercising. This can easily be done with stretching exercises, such as sit-ups, and push-ups, or whilst lifting weights. For cardiovascular exercise, you could also use a treadmill, if you have the space or a skipping rope if you don’t!


Finally, replace a calorie and sugar-high beverage a day with a glass of water. Not only will this reduce your calorie intake, but water will help your body to flush out toxins that will otherwise be stored in your fatty tissues. Why don’t you see what a big difference a small change can make?


AdviceLifestyle ChangesWeight Loss