Losing Weight And The Food Diary: Why It Could Work For You

If you’re trying to lose weight then you’ll know that there are hundreds of different solutions on offer and most of them promise things that they’ll never deliver. The important thing is finding a method which works for you, something which you think you’ll be able to stick to and not give up on after the weight is gone. It’s Tricky to find that but when you’ve found what works for you you’ll wonder why it was ever so difficult in the first place!

Everyone’s different but something which has proven useful to almost everyone who’s tried it, is keeping a food diary. Keeping a constant log of the food that you’re eating so that you can look back and see it is very handy as you won’t be able to delude yourself. It’s easy to smudge the details of a meal for yourself and eventually completely forget what you actually ate; convincing yourself a steak with a little salad was a big salad with some steak strips isn’t that hard if you give yourself some time.
The trick is being honest with yourself, you’re going to slip up and it’s not going to go 100% right the first time you do it. Keep the diary and celebrate any progress you do make. Did you have the option of a slice of cake but instead have a single scoop of ice-cream? Write it down because in a couple of weeks, when you look over it that’s the sort of thing which will keep you going.

You can lose weight, you’ve just got to be patient with yourself and allow a little time for the new diet and lifestyle to become normal to you. You’ll be able to see your progression through the diary and later, when you’re skinny and fabulous you’ll be able to look over it and feel a real sense of achievement at what you’ve overcome!

AdviceFood DiaryLose weight