Firstly, is it a broken diet? Many people get on board with crazy fad diets which initially help you lose weight, but this weight is mostly water and isn’t a permanent change because you’re not learning how to lose weight. Cutting all carbs or drinking nothing but carrot juice for two weeks is not only detrimental to your wellbeing, but these results won’t last because you don’t know the other things you need to do to lose weight healthily. By eating only certain foods you limit your body to its vital nutrients.
Not only do you need to learn healthy foods, but also those that are low in calories. Pick a number of calories you’re going to consume and don’t exceed that limit. Then you simply add exercise. Starving or depriving yourself will only harm your body and cause you to relapse. You need to research and find out the healthy amount of food you need for a healthy lifestyle and your target weight. Putting in an initial bit of extra time and effort is worth it because it keeps you at your targeted weight in the long run. Online you can find averages for your gender, height, and activity level. Also, try to work out your pre-weight loss calorie consumption and compare it to these averages. Then you can work out how many calories you need to eliminate and where you can lose them, like cutting late-night snacking, for example.
Yet weight loss isn’t all about diet, but exercise too. Find a calorie burning calculator to see how much your exercises are burning off. This will determine whether or not you are in your ideal calorie consumption range on a daily basis. However, remember to use your common sense. Calorie counting can be useful but if you get too obsessed with it, it will drive you crazy. Find a general idea rather than narrowing it down to a single digit. Weight loss can work, but you need to know what you’re doing and avoid those fad diets. It’s your body, so surely the only person you can trust with it is you.