Cosmetic lip enhancements: What you need to know

Cosmetic lip enhancements: What you need to know

A full, nicely shaped pout is often the envy of women, so it’s no surprise that many women opt for cosmetic procedures to enhance the shape of their mouths and create soft, full lips. There are various options when it comes to surgery and adding volume to your pout, as well as ways of removing and reducing wrinkles and lines around the mouth.

The procedure for adding volume to the lips is known as lip augmentation – dermal fillers are injected into the lips, just beneath the surface of the skin. There are fillers available which are mixed with numbing agents, so these don’t require a pre-injection of local anesthetic. However, the patient does have the option of laughing gas if they’d prefer. The fillers used in this procedure are sourced from naturally-occurring materials – they are clear gels which are biodegradable and are usually found in joints, which bind with water molecules once they’ve been injected into the skin. Once the healing process has passed, the treatment won’t affect the patient too drastically, so day to day tasks will still be ok to take part in. However, eating and drinking may be a little difficult for a couple of days so they may need help with this.

The gels are absorbed quickly into the skin as they are naturally sourced from the body – for this reason, they are also just a temporary solution. How long this lasts will depend on the individual, but they generally last for around six to nine months. Following this time, you can return for a follow-up enhancement treatment.

When it comes to lines and wrinkles, they can drastically alter the youthfulness of your appearance. From crow’s feet around the eyes to lines around the sides of the mouth, the majority of women dread the day when these occur. However, smile lines can be dealt with by using dermal fillers which fill the gap in the skin. If you have smoker’s lines, which are lines and wrinkles which occur between the nose and the top of the lips, these can also be removed with dermal injections. The gel used moisturises this area of the skin’s folds to reduce the lines.
