Why Newcastle Is Being Brainwashed Into Better Weight Loss

Why Newcastle Is Being Brainwashed Into Better Weight Loss

There are many ways to improve your wellness, as well as your weight loss, and a South Tyne side entrepreneur has potentially found one. Keith Jobes, a former IT manager, is helping people look after their wellbeing using the power of the subconscious mind.


Jobes has launched The Harley Hypnotherapy Group from his home in Jarrow, and is encouraging people who want to shed some pounds to join his interactive website. Jobes was made redundant a year ago, but has used this as an opportunity to use the hypnotherapy qualification he has had since 2007.


Jobes has had his own issues with weight, and so says he is well aware of the pitfalls and problems weight loss brings, ‘At this time of year, about 41% of people have failed New Year resolutions, including losing weight, and I hope my website, which involves an audio element, will offer practical help for weight management. With hypnotherapy, the mind is more likely to accept suggestions to lose weight.


‘The reasons why we overeat are very complex,’ he added, ‘so the more research I did, the more I wanted to add to the therapy for clients, but there is only a maximum number of sessions that clients can afford. And then the credit crunch hit and people could not afford even more sessions.’ Jobes’ hypnotherapy website therefore offers a 22-week membership for £59.99, and he says this also offers some of the benefits of face-to-face therapy. For your money, Jobes gives you weekly lessons, talks, and hypnotherapy programmes, which you receive in a timed, structured way.


Jobes concluded by adding that people who sign up will also be encouraged to support one another, and ‘One major benefit is that the therapist can see all times how someone is progressing and support them’.

brainwashednewcastleWeight Loss