Can Acupuncture Help Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause?

Can Acupuncture Help Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause?

If you are suffering from any of the distressing symptoms of menopause, you may find that acupuncture is the key to restoring your wellbeing.


The process of menopause, during which your body reduces the production of oestrogen and stops producing eggs, can come with some unpleasant side effects and health concerns. Many women report that their wellness is severely compromised by issues such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain, night sweats, anxiety, memory problems and a whole host of other upsetting symptoms.


A new study published in a journal called Acupuncture in Medicine has reported achieving great success with acupuncture as an alternative therapy in place of the traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which is commonly prescribed.


The research was carried out at Turkey’s Ankara Training and Research Hospital and looked into the effects of acupuncture, examining whether hormone levels were changed after receiving this type of treatment. Participants were made up of 53 postmenopausal women and the group was divided into a group that received treatment and a group that received fake treatment (with blunt needles that were not placed in the skin). Oestrogen levels were monitored for the duration of the study and the women were also questioned about the symptoms they were experiencing.


Results were impressive, with the group receiving treatment reporting significantly less symptoms of menopause than the group who had not received the treatment. Hot flushes and psychological side effects were the most commonly decreased symptoms by the treatment.


Women who were receiving treatment also showed to have much higher levels of oestrogen levels. This may be because the acupuncture stimulates the body to produce natural pain killers (endorphins) which also help to regulate the body’s temperature. A similar study done recently into acupuncture in breast cancer also correlated this information by showing lowered levels of hot flashes.

acupuncturehealth concernsMenopause