The Agony Of Long-term Stress And Anxiety

As the effects of the economic down-turn are intensifying and many people are facing the real possibility of being plunged into a triple-dip recession, it’s hardly surprising that some are increasingly suffering from distressing bouts of stress and anxiety. Whilst it can be extremely difficult to deal with in the short-term, stress and anxiety can have an even more detrimental impact on health and wellbeing in the long-term if it is not treated.

Stress can affect the mind and body in many ways and can manifest itself in forms such as breathlessness, tiredness, headache, disrupted sleep patterns and impaired-immunity. Other symptoms commonly experienced by people include: underperformance at work, becoming irritated by loved ones, the tendency to drink more alcohol and go on binges in order to self-medicate, sleep-loss leading to lethargy, inertia and a lack of concentration during waking hours, back and neck pains from excessive-tension, fluctuations in weight, lack of regular exercise, heart-palpitations and high blood pressure.

Unfortunately due to the nature of modern society, and the manner in which humans are constructed, it is impossible to live a life completely free of stress, although it is possible to adopt strategies and approaches to lessen its impact.

For instance, practicing meditation, yoga and other techniques used to locate inner-peace and achieve relaxation can be of enormous benefit, and allow you to focus on troubles in order to device means of solving problems. This process of de-stressing can also be assisted by carrying out plenty of exercise, which will also help to make it easier to get a good night’s sleep. Having a healthy and balanced diet can also be highly beneficial to your wellness and help to provide some of the nutrients that the body needs to fight the symptoms of stress. Finally, whenever possible it is always important to talk about your worries. This will help you to take stock of situations and devise methods of dealing with them.

anxietyLong termStress