Obesity Could Kill You In So Many Different Ways…

Obesity is one of the most potent health concerns in the world today. Of everything I’ve written about while working for Yourwellness its obesity which I have seen hold the most potential risk and do the most damage. It’s the main factor in bringing about type two diabetes; it can bring on heart disease, cause cardiac arrest, cause rheumatoid arthritis, exacerbate any mobility issues like arthritis and even bring on asthma attacks. Those are a few conditions listed off the top of my head, I know for a fact there are many more. Obesity isn’t a laughing matter, it’s a real health concern and if you don’t do anything about it, it could eventually lead to your premature death.

One of the easier ways to start to slim down is to start drinking water as your primary drink. If you cut out as many fizzy drinks and juices as you can and literally drink just water for a few weeks, you’ll be amazed at how much weight you can lose. Another easy step to take is removing snacks from your life. Just don’t have crisps and biscuits in the house and you won’t be able to eat them. Again, do this for a few weeks and you’ll be amazed at the impact it has on your weight!

If you’ve done these two things and you’ve not lost much weight then it’s time to think bigger, much bigger.  Cook your own meals and replace anything processed or preserved with fresh ingredients, ditch the frying pan become best friends with your grill and oven. It doesn’t all have to be garden salads but it also can’t just be chips and beans.

All things in moderation, if you love fish and chips or a burger then make this a treat. Have a portion of fish and chips once a fortnight as a reward for otherwise sticking to your healthy diet.

At the end of the day the health benefits from taking these steps and slimming down will outweigh the amount of effort you’re going to have to put in! It’ll be more than worth it in the long run, I promise.
