Weight Loss Could Be Achieved With Slower Eating

The reason that weight has become such an issue in the last few decades is simple. People have less time for themselves. They’re busy, they work longer hours or they’re raising a family. With this decline in the amount of time people have to themselves comes a rise in more convenient food which is incidentally much worse for you. You can have a meal in three minutes now, pop it in the microwave and there it is. In the past people would have had to slave away for hours to cook and now there simply isn’t the time to do that so they cheat.

The occasional ready meal isn’t going to kill you and providing you eat them in moderation they’re not going to pile on too much weight. However, if you get into the habit of eating one a night then you’re going to have problems.

Now I understand that cooking is never going to be for everyone but I think there’s a lot of fun to be had in cooking a meal for yourself and a lot more satisfaction to be had while you’re eating it. It’s important that you try and cook at least some of your meals yourself as that way you’ll be able to monitor exactly what goes into them and regulate your intake. Losing weight isn’t that difficult providing you’re careful about what you eat.

If you cook yourself a meal remember to savour it. You took a long time to eat it so you should enjoy it when it’s there. You’ll find you’ll eat less if you eat slow as a lot of overeating is caused when people eat very quickly and their bodies don’t have the ‘full’ impulse quickly enough to prevent it. Slower eating means this impulse has a lot longer to reach you and you’re less likely to overeat.

dieteatingWeight Loss