The Health Benefits Of Nuts And Seeds In Your Diet

A great addition to any diet, nuts and seeds are packed with vitamins and minerals. Not only do they help improve your diet by increasing the number of health-boosting oils and good fats you have in your diet, but they also taste great! These oils and fats are important for a improving your wellbeing and vitality, helping you to develop glossy hair, a strong immune system and aiding the control of blood pressure.

The fats in nuts and seeds are mostly unsaturated and monounsaturated so they’re better for you and don’t raise the blood’s cholesterol level. These fats also benefit the body in raising the high-density lipoprotein – good cholesterol for the body. If you’re looking to improve your skin, nuts such as almonds or Brazil nuts can help here too – they are loaded with vitamin E, protein and antioxidants which are vital for a clear complexion. Nuts are also great sources of fibre, magnesium, selenium and folic acid, which is great if you’re pregnant.

Heart disease is unfortunately a big killer the world over, and what we put into our bodies goes a long way towards helping or hindering this problem. Many studies have shown that nuts and seeds can actually help improve heart health, with almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and macadamias all doing a great job of reducing heart disease by as much as 50 percent. It’s believed that this is due to their ability to reduce the build-up of plaque in the blood vessels.

This tasty snack is low calories, so it’s ideal for a weight loss regime as well as providing your body with a great dose of omega 3 and 6, vitamin E and zinc. All of this helps to create a smooth, clear complexion, strong bones and teeth, and a healthy heart.

It’s easy to add these health boosting ingredients into your diet, simply by making alternative options at the supermarket – opt for breads which contain pumpkin or sunflower seeds, for example. You can add a handful of chopped nuts to cereals or include them when eating dried fruit for a tasty snack, as well as roasting them for five to ten minutes to bring out the oils and flavour. Nuts and seeds are a brilliant way to add nutrients into your diet without compromising on flavour.
