Another issue to do with weight which is often ignored or even sneered at is weight gain. Some people genuinely do have issues with gaining extra weight and it can be very frustrating for these people to see article after article on how to lose it and never a single one on how to gain it. Being under-weight can have just as serious ramifications as being over-weight and needs to be taken just as seriously. It doesn’t matter that less people are underweight than obese, more people are obese than anything else anyway.
The best way to gain weight is to start some light weight training and up your calorie intake each day by around 300-500 calories. The extra calorific content will start to slowly increase your weight and the weight training will transform whatever weight you gain from fat to muscle, making you look great as you get bigger!
It can be a difficult to make yourself eat as it is for the obese to stop themselves from eating and there are often deep rooted psychological issues involved. However if you set reminders on your phone and enlist the aid of friends and family members, asking them to encourage you to eat a certain amount or at certain times you may find the whole process much easier than before!