You’ll Never Guess What The New Weight Loss Drug Could Be…

You’ll Never Guess What The New Weight Loss Drug Could Be…

If I gave you ten guesses on just what the next weight loss drug could be, you’d never get it. If I gave you twenty you’d still be a long way out. Understand that scientists are constantly looking for ways to re-purpose drugs and at the moment there’s nothing more lucrative than saying something could help you lose weight as there’s never been as many people trying to lose it before. It’s a gold mine which has been tapped by everyone who can manage it and just keeps giving. However, this drug does look like it has some genuinely beneficial effects for those trying to lose weight. Have you given up guessing?



According to a recent study in which obese mice were fed Viagra for one week, the drug showed an amazing property. Scientists have described it as turning the white fat into brown fat. They say that’s amazing but what does it actually mean?

Well, white fat is plump and prone to inflammation which can lead to disease. Brown fat is much healthier, doesn’t inflame as easily and takes up much less space. Essentially the weight on the mice seemed to melt away, especially from so called problem regions (love handles, bum etc.).


Though this research is exciting and shows a lot of promise in the years to come, researchers ask you to be patient. They simply don’t know enough about the reaction which converts white fat to brown fat to know if it’s entirely safe for humans or not. Obviously Viagra has existed a long time and if it had much of a dangerous side effect it would be known, it’s still better safe than sorry though!


For now Viagra will remain an erectile dysfunction treatment, but in the years to come it could become a much more adaptable drug!

InformationViagraWeight Loss