Why You Need To Love What You Do

Why You Need To Love What You Do

One of the most important parts of finding your happiness is being happy in your work life. If you consider how much of our time we all spend working, going to work and coming back from work you’ll realise just how large a portion of your life you spend doing those things. If you enjoy what you do, look forward to going in and even miss it when you’re not there then you’re well on your way to a happier life!

In a recent survey which was undertaken by the Samaritans and Simplyhealth, it was discovered that one of the most important factors to enjoying your work life is getting on with the people you work with. Having friends in the office can make work much more pleasant and lead to you associating work with enjoyment as opposed to with drudgery! There were several other things found in the survey as well, showing the differences between men and women in the workplace in terms of happiness and emotional wellbeing.


–                     Balancing work and life effectively in a positive way is more important to men than women. Around 41% of men find this important whereas only 38% of women do.

–                     One thing which doesn’t work at bringing people together and making them enjoy their work lives more are team activities which included away days. It turns out only 4% of people found that they did any good at all.

–                     Age is a defining factor on whether you’ve managed to successfully balance your work life and general life. It was shown that 47% of people between 35 and 44 had found the balance whereas only 32% of people between 18 and 24 have.


The findings of this survey tell us a lot and just go to show how important it is to enjoy what you do. There’s nothing worse than dreading going into work after all.

