The work/life balance needs to be a positive one. Spending some time with people you like or even love is a fantastic way to relieve stress and take your mind off of work for a while! Make sure to leave time to yourself, never give up your lunch break unless you’re entirely happy to.
For a lot of people striking this balance is difficult and quite often jobs require more and more of you until all you do is eat, sleep and work. When you’re thinking about how much time you actually spend working, don’t forget to factor in the time it takes you to travel there and then back again. A commute can be just as stressful as working and I know plenty of people who finish work at 5.30 and don’t get home until seven at the earliest!
Essentially don’t get burnt out. If you’re doing what you love then that’s great but even the best jobs in the world can take a toll if you spend too much of your own time doing them. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and your friends and family will thank you for drawing it sooner rather than later!