Three Mistakes That Lead To Morning Weight Gain

The morning is a hugely important time if you are attempting to lose weight, or just hope to maintain your current weight. The choices you make when you first wake up set you up for the rest of the day, so you need to make the right call.

So here are three bad habits that people often fall into with their morning routine. Avoiding them can help you achieve your weight-loss goals for good.

Not exercising

We all know that exercise is one of the most vital aspects of weight loss. But burning the calories in the morning is more effective than at any other time of day. Research has shown that people who exercise in the morning workout harder and for longer than those do it in the afternoon. It’s also worth noting that if you can’t find time for a full session you could always do something smaller. For example, if you usually drive to work, why not cycle instead?

Not having breakfast at all

Increasing your metabolism is very important to weight loss. Unfortunately, not eating early in the morning is the best possible way to slow your metabolism. That means that any benefit you might think you are getting from avoiding breakfast calories will be completely taken away by the slowing of your metabolism. Have a sensible, healthy breakfast and you avoid this problem.

Eating out

Making healthy eating choices is another pivotal factor when it comes to losing weight. Eating out often means foods that are high in fat and sugar, so it’s not just a burden on your bank balance, it can also see you pile on the pounds. Skip the morning visit to the greasy spoon café, and instead choose something healthy and nutritious. You’ll thank yourself for it when you step onto the scales.


bad habitsTipsweight gain