Five Bad Habits That Lead To Weight Gain

For many people, staying slim is an absolute priority. It’s not just about the element of wanting to look good – staying the right weight is excellent for your health so it’s a good thing all round.

Nevertheless we all know how easy it is to fall into bad habits and start putting on weight. Here are five of the most common mistakes that lead to putting on the pounds.

Using ‘diet’ food

There are a number of problems with choosing ‘diet’ or ‘low-fat’ food if you’re trying to stay slim, and if you read the label carefully you’ll be able to uncover a few. According to Consumer Reports on Health, people who see the words ‘low-fat’ or ‘diet’ assume that this automatically means fewer calories and that it is fine to eat in large quantities.

It has been suggested seeing the word ‘diet’ actually makes people consume disproportionately more of the food which can lead to excess weight gain.

Sleeping for less than six hours

It might surprise you, but getting the right amount of sleep is absolutely crucial to staying in shape. According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lack of sleep can produce a number of hormones which play an important role in telling your body whether you are hungry or not.

Buying too much food

If see food you are likely to want to eat it. That’s why it is so important to trim your shopping list and avoid buying any snack foods or anything that can be consumed quickly. These are one of the most common ways of quick weight gain.

Addiction to the screen

A correlation has been found between people spending too much time staring at a screen, either a computer or a television, and the negative impact of weight gain. Take regular breaks from the screens in your life to ensure you stay slim.

Large portion sizes

This one’s an obvious one but try to cut back and control your portion sizes. Large portions mean that you’ll consume more food even if you’re not actually hungry. Choose small or medium options instead of large and plan sensibly sized meals.

bad habitsStaying Slimweight gain