Which Weight Loss Methods Really Help You Shed Pounds?

There are certain myths floating around about weight loss that simply aren’t true, and some that are doubtful, but the problem is there are just so darn many of them that just knowing where to begin can take its toll on your mental wellbeing. However, there are four rock-solid proven facts that really work to drop weight, and knowing the truth can improve your weight loss results in no time.

Firstly, as with all aspects of wellness, genetics is important but DNA is not destiny. Pamela Peeke, MD, notes in her book, The Hunger Fix, that there’s a new science out there called epigenetics, in which ‘genetics may load the gun, but environment and lifestyle habits pull the trigger.’ This means that no matter what your genetic inheritance might be, your lifestyle and behaviours can dampen down bad genes and strengthen good genes. In short, you can change your weight loss destiny. With every thought you think, every mouthful of food, and every step you take, you can take control and actually help create a more positive destiny.

Next, it’s an established fact that exercise is crucial for weight maintenance. You absolutely have to add more physical activity to your daily living if you want to lose weight, as science has proven, and the same is true if you actually want to keep it off! You might be tempted, like so many people, to become active, successfully shed pounds, and then sit on your laurels, but the truth is that what helped you achieve your weight loss goal is vital if you want to maintain it as well.

Also, it’s true that weight loss surgery can be effective in the long-term for certain individuals. However, it is only recommended that you have weight loss or bariatric surgery if you are extremely overweight or obese and find it difficult to lose weight naturally. There is also evidence that shows if your bariatric surgery is to be successful, you need a strong ongoing medical support system, as well as the same kind of personal support.

Finally, though there’s a wide spectrum of options available for weight loss, and some might work for you and not for others, generally, weight loss is greater with programmes that provide meals, and some prescription drugs. There will be more drug innovations emerging in the coming years as researchers learn more about how your brain and body functions in weight control and your doctor will review what will be appropriate and possible for you. In terms of meal plans, ones that involve fresh whole foods are the key to weight loss wellness, as your goal should be to eat nutritious and healthy foods when at all possible.

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