There are a good deal of drugs out there which are dedicated to helping men deal with erectile dysfunction. This is much easier to achieve as it’s a fairly simple set of reactions. More often than not, a man’s inability to have an orgasm actually stems from the inability to attain an erection and fixing the latter fixes the former. Cialis is a drug which has proven greatly effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and is available all over the world today. Researchers have recently been looking into new uses for the drug however.
In several studies Cialis was shown to have the potential to actually encourage ejaculation in men. These studies were fairly small and weren’t specific enough to actually prove or disprove any correlation themselves. What they have done is shown a possibility and potential which researchers can now work towards. Cialis helped some men achieve orgasm where they hadn’t been able to in the past. The next step in these studies will be working out how and why this works and then looking to replicate these findings on a much larger and more effective scale.