Can green coffee beans really help you lose weight?

Can green coffee beans really help you lose weight?

green coffe beansA weight-loss supplement that actually works is considered to be the holy grail for the supplement industry. Supermarkets and chemists have their shelves filled with products that all claim miraculous advantages that will help you lose weight and get slim with limited effort on your part. So when a new supplement is supported by the industry as having a genuine effect, it certainly makes consumers take notice.

The latest in the line of miracle weight-loss supplements are the green coffee bean extract. Green coffee beans are the unroasted seed that are derived from the coffee fruit. The fact is that while many products are praised for their abilities, green coffee bean extract is a rare product – it that has plenty of proof that suggests that it might actually work. It is known that green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid. This acid is thought to have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, which in turn positively impacts weight loss and fat metabolism – recent studies seem to prove this.

The study looked at green coffee bean extract supplementation on overweight individuals, and it produced some impressive results. Over the course of the 22 week study, the participants lost an average of over 17 pounds each. This suddenly made the concept of green coffee beans unsurprisingly popular. What is it about the coffee beans that allow you to lose weight? It’s thought that aside from the benefits of the chlorogenic acid, the beans were able to counter side effects from other drugs that the patients might have been taking. If you are taking medicinal drugs they can often have the unfortunate side effects of weight gain due to blocking receptors in the brain. The green coffee beans are thought to counteract these.

Green Coffeenew studyWeight Loss