Your Breakfast Choice Could Help You Shift The Pounds

We all know that a balanced diet is important to give your body all the vital nutrients that it needs to function effectively. We also know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – it feeds your body after the fasting period your body goes through during sleep and feeds the brain, muscles and vital organs with energy to work fluidly. A recent study has found that eggs could make a great addition to your early morning meal, as they contain a powerful ingredient which could help you to cut calories throughout the day.

If you’re trying to resist the sweet snacks and afternoon treats, this could help you to achieve that more easily. The proteins in eggs work to keep hunger pangs at bay – the study showed that eggs provide consistent short-term energy intake and satiety. Two studies also showed positive effects on appetite-related hormones in the stomach, which could explain why those who eat eggs feel fuller for longer.

In a single, long-term study, scientists also discovered that those who eat an egg-based breakfast over cereal or toast show greater results for weight loss and a loss of inches around their waist. There are two reasons for this – one is portion control and the other is vitamin D. Eggs come in a set portion of around 78 calories per egg, so this will help you to limit your intake and allows you to eat a regular portion size each day. Also, eggs are rich in vitamin D which has been shown to help sufferers of diabetes and heart disease, as well as aiding those who are overweight. Try to keep the way you cook your eggs as healthy as possible by opting for omelettes, poached or scrambled eggs over fried to help aid your weight loss.
