Bullying: Have You Been on the Receiving End at Work?

Bullying: Have You Been on the Receiving End at Work?

bullying at workAt some point in all of our lives we’re likely to have to deal with a workplace bully. Often the bully isn’t even your boss but simply a colleague who has a pushy attitude and likes to make demands of everyone else. Perhaps the situations you find yourself in with this individual don’t always strike you as overt bullying but when you’re on the receiving end of forceful opinions, brash attitudes and overly assertive behaviour, it can certainly feel like bullying.

Individuals who push themselves forward in workplace situations like this are often seeking control – they may not have the title that confers control on them but they sure as heck are going to let everyone know exactly how they think things should be run. They have opinions and they are more than willing to share them – loudly if necessary.

They are brash and assertive and will talk right over the top of anyone they consider weaker. And they can often make colleagues’ lives unbearable because they will manipulate situations to their advantage while cajoling and haranguing those who oppose them.

So if you have been on the receiving end of this kind of aggressive behaviour from a workplace colleague or from your boss, what kind of strategy do you need to deal with it?

Ideally you want to defuse any potentially explosive situations with calmness and your own brand of assertiveness, with a degree of tact but also with some guile so you regain control of your workspace.

Size up the situation beforehand. Work out your end game, what you want to happen and how you can achieve that without riling your workmate. Talk to colleagues who can back you up if necessary and be prepared to stand up for your point of view – often the workplace bully will simply ride roughshod over any opposition so get ready to stand firm.
