How Do You Know When You’re Stuck in the Wrong Job?

How Do You Know When You’re Stuck in the Wrong Job?

in wrong jobJob satisfaction is a major part of corporate wellness, but how do you know if you should stick it out where you are, or find something new? Sure, you want to look after your overall wellbeing, but the wellness of your bank balance is also something to consider so when is enough, enough?

Firstly, if you’re so bored at work that you’re constantly tweeting instead of working, or even updating your Facebook status about how bored you are, it’s time to take a look at your CV. It may be that you’re just learning the ropes or you’re in-between projects, but if you’re constantly drumming your fingers on your desk, have a long, hard think about your situation and your career.

Also, if you find that friends have stopped calling you because you’re such a grumpy git all the time, this is another indication that you should leave your current job. Everyone has the odd bad day, even once a fortnight, but if your mood swings are all over the place or you’re dragging yourself into the office every day with a face on, that’s not an acceptable quality of life. Don’t cry over your current job; just focus your efforts on finding a better one.

However, even if your job is likeable enough, you may still have cause to type up a letter of resignation. Sure, the people are lovely and you like your daily routine, but if there’s just no room to climb the ladder, and you’ve started to crave something more, look at your current job as a stepping stone and resume-builder rather than somewhere you have to stay for good. In order to feel happy in life, you need to also feel challenged.

Another aspect to consider is your social life. Sometimes, work requires you to go the extra mile, whether that’s staying late to meet a deadline or pitching in on other projects to get the job done. However, if your job is consuming so much of your time that you’re unable to hang out with your friends or family, you might want to opt for a job that allows you to have a life outside the office. Otherwise, you can become all about the job, and this leads to stress and anxiety.

Finally, if your boss isn’t giving you the chance to prove what you can do, ask for some one-on-one time to explain the kind of work you would be interested in doing, and how your skills can be better utilised. However, if you’re still relegated to menial tasks, it may be time to research vacancies, polish your CV, and start applying for anything intriguing that comes up.

BoredomMood Swingsnew job