What Everyone Should Know About Anti Ageing

What Everyone Should Know About Anti Ageing

The top beauty tricks that offer anti-ageing benefitsIf you’re reading this article, the chances are that, like many of us, you are starting to feel concerned about the effects that aging can have on the body, and are looking for some simple, anti-ageing tips. The good news is, there are four really easy ways that you can help yourself to live young – and we can tell you all about them.

As humans get older, the hippocampus (the area of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning) starts to lose some of its volume. Alongside this, the immune system grows weaker with age, joints start to ache, muscles lose their mass, and our brains shrink in size. Despite the horror of all this occurring in our bodies, it is not as inevitable as people may think. There are certain simple lifestyle factors that have a significant effect on how aging takes its toll, and what we can do to protect our wellness and wellbeing as we grow older.

Firstly, it is very important to look at your diet, as the old adage that ‘you are what you eat’ really becomes truer the older you get. Whole foods have evolved alongside humans to provide us with the ideal nourishment, whereas processed and artificial foods do not have these same properties. They can even cause genetic mutations and may even lead to cancer. In order to stay young, eat basic, healthy, natural foods – organic, where possible.

Exercise is also vital for maintaining your youth. Exercise keeps your joints moving, your muscles building and also triggers some very important hormones in your brain that keeps it working and ticking over.

Learning is an important third step; if you don’t use your brain it will slowly cease to function, and neural pathways will be lost. By keeping the brain active and in use, you keep it healthy and young.

Finally, spend time with your friends. Research has shown many times that people who relax with their loved ones enjoy a whole host of health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and lower rates of heart disease.

anti ageingshould knowTips