5 Reasons Why Dieting Works Better in the Summer

5 Reasons Why Dieting Works Better in the Summer

diet summerIs there an ideal season in which to lose weight? January is often the focus for many dieters, spurred on by a New Year resolution to shed the pounds. However, there is some evidence that the best time to start watching what you eat is during summertime.

Here are 5 reasons to embark on a weight loss programme when the sun is shining.

  1. Sunlight increases our serotonin levels – this is the neurotransmitter that contributes to our feeling of wellbeing and happiness, and low levels of serotonin are said to contribute to seasonal affective disorder. When we feel happier, we’re less likely to eat for comfort and so sunny days can help reduce our appetite.
  2. Hotter days make us take on board more fluids, naturally inhibiting our intake of food. And because we’re more likely to be sweating in the heat, we don’t retain the same fluids that we do during winter – when the weather is cold, our body’s metabolic rate slows down naturally and so we retain more fat and fluids as we go into hibernation mode.
  3. Cold weather makes us want to eat heavy, comfort foods but bright sunny days encourage us to eat cooling, more refreshing dishes such as fruit and vegetables, yogurts and salads. And seasonal foods such as cucumbers, asparagus and peaches are actually packed with the nutrients we need to satisfy our hunger, reducing the chances of us snacking between meals and helping us lose weight.
  4. Longer, warmer days don’t only improve our mood but also increase the opportunity to exercise, particularly out of doors. Even if you’re not following a fitness program or working out at the gym, summer evenings are perfect for a stroll, will keep you from raiding the fridge after dinner and will help burn up those calories.
  5. There are fewer “big occasions” when rich food takes centre stage in summer. No matter where you live in the world, winter is top heavy with major celebrations, often religious, that involve eating, drinking and being merry. Fun as they are, they’re not conducive to calorie counting and in most cultures the celebratory calendar is a lot lighter in summer.
dietSummerWeight Loss