How to Lose Weight Quickly with Fasting and Diet Changes

How to Lose Weight Quickly with Fasting and Diet Changes

fasting2You’ve been in that situation; you have a special event coming up soon, and tried on your go-to party dress, only to find that it’s a little to snug for decent wear. Luckily, there are ways that you can lose those extra quickly, and reunite with your favourite dress. All you have to do is pay close attention to a few details and keep your overall wellbeing in mind.

Fasting is a great way to lose weight quickly, especially if it’s done correctly and with the right amount of willpower. Originally developed for religious reasons, fasting has been used as a weight loss method for a number of years in many different cultures. During a fast you are only allowed to drink water and juice, which can be difficult and many people only make it a few days before giving in. However, if you have a hell of a lot of dedication and willpower, you could possibly lose up to 5 pounds on a 3-day fast, and this could be the difference between wearing your favourite dress, and trudging out to buy a new, bigger one.

However, if water and fruit juice seems like an impossible diet to adopt, you can still lose weight quickly by making changes to your existing diet. For example, why not increase the amount of water you drink every day? Drinking at least eight 8oz glasses of water per day is recommended for overall wellness, as well as weight loss. You can also try removing all extra sugar, salt and fat from your diet, and cutting down on snacks and serving sizes. Instead, have five smaller-portioned meals throughout the day.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly of all, implement some type of exercise into your daily routine can help you lose weight quickly. This is because exercise doesn’t just burn calories when you’re performing an activity, but it helps you to burn a higher amount of calories throughout the day. Why don’t you try to increase the amount of time you spend walking, and see what drastic results it can make to the amount of weight you lose?

Diet ChangesFastingQuick Weight Loss