Firstly, avoid simple sugars. Sugar causes your body to store fat because it makes your insulin levels spike, and so you should only consume simple sugars immediately following a weight-training workout, when your body can selectively shuttle the nutrients to your starving muscles. However, in our sugar-laden society, avoiding it altogether can be a struggle. Packed lunches and snacks can help you control the sugar you consume when at work, and if you use spices instead of sauces when cooking, not only will you avoid unnecessary sugar but spices are metabolism-boosters themselves, so it’s a fat-burning double-whammy.
Next, don’t waste calories on beverages, remove sugary juices and fizzy drinks, including “diet” varieties, from your daily intake. Even artificial sweeteners can spike your insulin levels, just like sugar, which leads to fat storage and weight gain. Alcohol is also full of calories, so if you can eliminate it altogether you’ll be amazed by the results. However, there are some alcoholic drinks that are better than others, such as red wine. Milk, green tea and coffee (minus the milk and sugar) have all been shown to reduce body fat.
Water is such a critical component in keeping your body functioning at a healthy level that it deserves a lifestyle change tip all on its own. If you drink at least two litres of cold water a day, or up to four litres if you’re physically active, you can boost your metabolism enormously because your body has to heat the liquid before using it. Have a water bottle with you at all times – you’ll drink it if it’s there!
Fourthly, eat veggies with every meal as they provide fibre which fills you up so you won’t have room for those sugary or starchy carbs that pack on the pounds. Finally, get moving! Even if you just take the stairs, go for a wander on your lunch break or go for a gym session now and then, exercise boosts your metabolism, and burns calories – especially if you’re making the other small changes on this list.