How To Avoid Getting Stressed About The Small Things

One of the most difficult aspects of family wellness is stress. In today’s world, there are so many sources of stress that it can be hard to keep track of all the little things that may be bothering various members of your family. Even small stresses and strains can start to take their toll, however, and you can find that your wellbeing is being negatively affected by seemingly small things that then build up and start to have a detrimental effect on your wellness.

The best way to get around this is to try to think of all the things that may be bothering you (or a member of your family) and then work out ways to let go of each one. You can do this as a family, together, so that your partner and any children understand that, as a team, you are dedicated to reducing the stress factors in your life.

Stress can be associated with serious physical health issues, such as obesity, heart disease and cancer, so it is vital that you get on top of your stress as soon as possible, and make a long term plan for how to manage it.

For National Stress Awareness month, we’ve compiled a list of common stress factors so that you can be aware of them and work out ways to get around them in your life.

1)      Approval is a common source of stress. Try to worry less about what other people think.

2)      Traffic can be a real source of stress. Plan journeys in advance and allow plenty of time for travel.

3)      People often stress about down time. Give yourself the freedom to take time off from work and relax.

4)      Being out of contact. Often people feel very stressed if they don’t have their mobile phone. Try to turn off your phone from time to time and you may realise that it gives you a real sense of freedom (and nothing bad happens!)

5)      Others’ stress. This is a big one, because other people tend to dump their problems on you to make themselves feel better. Be a good friend and listening ear for them, but avoid taking on their problems and worrying about them as well as your own.
