We all want a toned body, particularly around the stomach which can be a problem area for a lot of people, but it can be difficult. Losing that extra few pounds around your middle can help you to increase your energy levels and gain more confidence, so how can you achieve it? Following these steps will help you tone up, improve your metabolism and reduce stress.
Believe it or not, but breathing is the first step towards toning up your stomach. The muscle around the waist wraps around like a belt, known as the transverse abdominus or TVA. This muscle supports your spine, and holds in your intestines – without a strong TVA, you’re at risk of injuring your spine and developing poor posture. By breathing deeply, you’ll be able to feel where your TVA is. This will help you to do toning exercises such as the Plank and crunches.
Once you’ve started to lose the extra weight around your stomach, exercises such as running and muscle building become all the easier. Challenge yourself to build real muscle by developing an intense weight lifting regime – if you’re new to exercising, it’s advised that you build up slowly to avoid injury. Try starting off with squats and presses to build lean muscle, improve your fitness and tone your stomach area.
Lastly, your food choices have an obvious effect on your body. Not only should you avoid fatty foods, but also those which cause your stomach to bloat. Food sensitivities can increase this risk, so if you notice that your stomach bloats when you eat certain foods, you may want to be tested for an intolerance. Aiming for a balanced diet that’s low in fat, salt and sugar is a great way to start, though – drink plenty of water as well to keep your body hydrated.