How to Balance Parenting and Business

How to Balance Parenting and Business

Raising children doesn’t always have its doom-and-gloom sides; in the efforts of putting those pattering feet beneath a quilt at night and having to nudge them up in the early mornings, there is something fulfilling when in-between those actions, you can see them flourish. This is why in modern days, parents are considered to the best students in the entrepreneurial sphere.

Raising a business as a “new-born” up until it is capable of running itself bears the same nature of late nights and early mornings, but the bonus of commitment, discipline and love can make its potential soar.

From the mothers that made it into entrepreneurs, they have offered some guidance for you to get you inspired and in the mood to make some magic:


  • Think outside of the box – You don’t have to put everything into your business. Ask yourself, “why am I doing this?”. Some use family as the main motivation for getting their ideas ticking.
  • Be yourself and know your strengths – Everyone is different. You know what you’re good at and there are a lot of resources out there to help you encourage those skills out.
  • Keep it simple – You have a business going. Great! Now remember that you have something other than your business. Making a big shout-out is important, but giving elephants the sign to run at you will only cause a stampede. Embrace and enjoy the calmer sides of life, too. Remember the small, familial things – and overall, remember to relax every once in a while.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff – It’s perfectly natural to pick up and tidy away the things that are in the way. The same thing goes for the small bits-and-bobs in your business. There are some issues that are not worth the panic-button – stop for a few moments when you’re going through day-to-day office-chores and ask yourself what the big things actually are.
  • Be the best that you can be and shrug off the judgement – You’re a parent and you’re going to do … what? There has been some scepticism that a parent can’t balance out raising a child with going out to work; whilst the demands of both a business and a child’s needs are both important, you know yourself better than what anyone else says. A business is an ambitious, but inspiring feat to achieve. Only you can put it there – and nobody’s criticism can overpower that passion.