Ice cream and other foods to avoid this summer

It is the season for outdoor barbecues, ice creams and cold drinks. But did you know that these foods are best avoided during the summer months? You ask why? Here is the intel on why your digestive system will thank you for having avoided these foods.


Hot and cold foods are based on the internal nature of the food product, which has varied effects on the body. Food, by nature of its innate characteristics, can have a heating or a cooling effect on your body, which in turn, has an effect on your metabolism and digestion.


The simple thing to do in summer to maintain health is to be aware of ‘cooling’ foods and ‘heating’ foods, and consume more of the former. As a general rule, drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content to face the heat of summer.


Common foods to avoid in summer


Ice cream


Apart from the high amount of sugar in these foods (and no, the sugar-free versions are no better), they are body-warming foods. Because ice cream is high in calories, which is reason enough to stay away from it, it contains high amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which heat the body up while digesting.


Soft drinks


Beverages with a high caloric content, such as soft drinks, will have a similar effect as ice cream, and kick start metabolism shortly after ingestion. This increases the heat produced in our body. So resist the urge to reach out for a cold drink when the weather gets hot, instead drink water.


Spicy food


Indians certainly love their spicy food. But it is best to give it a rest during the hotter months. Spices such as chilli, ginger, pepper, cumin seeds and cinnamon are thermogenic, which means they produce heat in the body by boosting the metabolic rate.


Non-vegetarian and tandoori food


We all have cheat days when we gorge on a tandoori chicken or a burger. Turns out, the char on the meat is not good for your health. Additionally, red meat, egg, prawns, squid and crab generate excessive heat and should be avoided during summer. Substitute grilled meat with grilled veggies for a healthier, summer-friendly option.


Tea and coffee


Your caffeine kick in the morning may be doing you more harm than you might think. Tea and coffee are known diuretics, which means that they will make you go to the bathroom more often to rid your body of salts and sugars, which will dehydrate you. Keep your intake to a minimum, or switch to fresh fruit juice instead!