Could You Freeze Time with This Chilling New Beauty Therapy?

Could You Freeze Time with This Chilling New Beauty Therapy?

Did you ever wish you could freeze time? Apparently, a chilling new beauty therapy does exactly that; using nitrogen oxide to slow down wrinkle formation. Known as Frotox or lovera, the treatment works by targeting nerves to improve your anti-ageing wellness, unlike Botox which temporarily paralyses your muscles. Frotox treats your forehead’s peripheral nerve tissue with extreme cold, relaxing the facial muscles that cause wrinkles in the forehead. So is Frotox safe and effective, or are you risking your wellbeing on a pointless procedure?


According to leading practitioner, Dr. Vincent Wong, from La Maison de L’esthetique, ‘Frotox works by using the body’s natural response to cold – and nothing but cold – to relax muscles in the forehead and between the eyebrows. The handheld device will be loaded with a nitrogen cartridge before use, and at the touch of a button, the circulation of nitrogen gas within the device creates a precise cold zone at the smart needle tip (made of closed-end needles, so nothing comes out of it). This allows precise cold to be delivered directly to the target nerves.’


‘Nerves treated with this technology undergo a predictable period of dormancy, followed by complete restoration of function,’ Wong explained. ‘During the period of dormancy, the transmission of electrical messages (impulses) is reduced. Hence, muscle movements are also reduced as muscles move in direct response to impulses. When muscles are relaxed, wrinkles appear to be softened.’ Wong outlined the different steps of the treatment process:


1. Consultation

2. Cleansing the area

3. Nerve selection (with TENS machine) and marking or treatment sites (all treatment sites are in the temple region only)

4. Injection of local anaesthetics (lidocaine)

5. Treatment of each marked site (average about 4 on each temple)

6. Application of pressure on treatment sites and post-treatment instructions


Wong noted, ‘The results for this treatment are immediate. You will find that when you try to raise your eyebrows, your forehead does not move as much as it used to – you will still have some movements though.’ But what about safety and side effects? ‘As no toxins are used, this treatment is extremely safe,’ Wong asserted. ‘Side effects are short-lived and, just like any other aesthetics procedure, include bleeding, bruising and swelling.’

anti-wrinklefrotoxSide Effects