What Everyone Ought To Know About Mental Resilience

What Everyone Ought To Know About Mental Resilience

Those who have good mental and emotional health are better able to withstand the ups and downs that life throws at them. Everybody in life experiences a range of emotions and goes through both good and bad times. It is how you cope with these more difficult situations in life that shows how strong your mental wellbeing is.


Emotions such as anxiety, stress and sadness are common, with all people experiencing them at some point, and most people experiencing them on a regular basis. Those who have true emotional wellness are able to bounce back from difficulties such as trauma, stress and adversity far more easily, and this is something that most people can achieve, if given the right tools to learn how to cope with life’s more difficult events.


One of the most important things in life is balance. To keep your emotions and stress in balance, it is useful to be able to recognise your emotions and work through them. Start by trying to give your emotions names – identifying them in this manner is the first step for trying to work past them. If you recognise what it is that you are experiencing (be that depression, anxiety or negativity), you can then start formulating a plan to move past it.


Another important element is having a strong support network around you. Everybody needs to have people that they trust that they can turn to in difficult times, who will encourage and support them when their own morale is low.


Finally, it is important to stop your nervous system from becoming overly stressed, as it then flips into fight of flight mode, or, worse still, you end up freezing, unable to make any kind of decision. This can be really difficult in everyday stressful situations, such as work meetings or traffic jams, so the ideal thing to do is to prevent this overload from occurring in the first place.
