Social care for people with cancer

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, your treatment and medical care will probably be the first thing on your mind.

But there are other aspects of your life to think about and it is important to know exactly what kind of assistance is available and where you can get it.

If you are finding it hard to cope with day-to-day life, talk about your needs with your doctor or nurse, who will refer you to a social worker. Your social worker will assess exactly the kind of help you need (see below). 

Social care options

Care attendants

Care attendants can help with housework, dressing and washing, or even just keep you company and give your carer a break. Look into this as soon as you can, as many care attendants have waiting lists.

Carers Trust is an organisation in England and Wales that helps carers by visiting homes and taking over the responsibilities of care for a while. Visit the Carers Trust website at (links to external site), or phone 0844 800 4361.

Meals at home

Contact your local council about its meals at home service. It will usually be able to offer financial assistance to help pay for this. Visit Directgov for details of your eligibility (links to external site).


You may be eligible for income support, disability living allowance or attendance allowance. Get in touch with the Benefit Enquiry Line for more details on 0800 882200 (textphone 0800 243355) or online at (links to external site).

Home adaptations

Occupational therapists provide a detailed assessment of your needs at home, making life easier by arranging equipment and making adaptations to your home.

The aim is to create a comfortable and practical place to live during your treatment. This could mean anything from putting a shower downstairs to adding handrails around the house.